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Welcome in Italy

Level of educatin: primary, secondary, high school
Number of staff workig in our school: 10 teachers
Students: 826
Subjects: Drama, Design and drawing, Dance, Music, Computer science, Tourism, Mind games

The school aims to follow the new educational process in order to make the lessons more interesting for the pupils, so that they achieve best educational results and become active citizens, ready to follow modern European streams. There is a computer for every pupil in the school, so that they can use all benefits that the new ICT technology offers. We pay special attention to multilingualism, so children start learning English at the age of six as an obligatory and German and Italian as second languages.

"Develop our students !"

We would like to join this project for increasing our knowledge in the music teaching field, for comparing, sharing and improving our toolbox, and for giving the chance to our students to develop their music skills and meet students, teachers and musical products belonging to different cultures. We would like to develop our students’ European identity, and create some international collaborations with the schools joining the project. We are convinced as well that our school could beneficially contribute to the implementation of project with a specific expertise in Italian and Sicilian traditional music.

“Let’s Welcome – Let’s Include”
To enhance the continuity between the different school orders; to favor the integration of students in the new school organization; to favor forms of connection between families, institutions, organizations and associations present in the territory. Legality
Promotion of respect for others, favoring cooperation and solidarity; enhancement of the differences of each and every one; sharing and respect for the founding rules of the school community and civil society.
Tackling early school leaving to design educational and didactic paths that offer learning opportunities to all students; establishing human relations that facilitate the teaching-learning process; integrate diversity; preventing and recovering early school leavingand educational failure.


To contribute to the development of the musical attitude of children; developing the musical ear and the perceptive capacity of listening, activating it on a corporeal level with movement, drawing, voice; promote harmonic growth: coordination, concentration, space-time concepts, lateralization; educating to the perception of harmony: music as a language, not just rhythm and melody, but also harmonic functions; to favor the approach to choral and instrumental practice; promote forms of peer education in the approach to music.

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